Girl / Chocolate - Badass Meets Dumbass

Girl / Chocolate - Badass Meets Dumbass cover art
The Girl and Chocolate teams spent a month touring the US, living out of the vans, doing demos, signing autographs, and hitting the mean streets.


Kelley Stoltz - Wave Goodbye
Phoenix, Arlington: 
Band of Horses - Wicked Gill
Chad VanGaalen - Wind Driving Dogs
Myrtle Beach, Raleigh: 
Love As Laughter - Dirty Lives
D.C., Minneapolis: 
Kelly Stolz - The Rabbit Hugged The Hound
Product Toss: 
Chad VanGaalen - Systematic Heart
Street Footage: 
Band of Horses - Our Swords
Milwaukee, Ohio, Kansas: 
Wolf Parade - I'll Believe In Anything
Kelly Stolz - Prank Calls