Concussion - Amnesia

Concussion - Amnesia cover art
(40 min)


Untitled Section: 
Zeke - 302 Cubic Inch V-8 Powered Blues
Untitled Section: 
Prevail - Of The Abyss
Shane Keater, Heat Sherratt, Mike Sperling, Jarold Scholl, Tony Miorana, Punker Matt, Zack Richesin, Jud Hertzler, Gret Lutzka, Tony Trujillo, Ben Krahn: 
AC/DC - Hells Bells
Untitled Section: 
Dwarves - Big Balls
Untitled Section: 
Simon Key - In The Red
Untitled Section: 
Simon Key - Hangman
Untitled Section: 
Supersuckers - Up In The Cash
Untitled Section: 
Murder City Devils - She
Untitled Section: 
The Process - Cheap Fun
Untitled Section: 
Kyuss - 50 Million Year Trip
Untitled Section: 
High On Fire - Master Of Fists