"A few weeks ago, when it was still kind of nice and warm outside, some of our good friends from Europe Co. paid us a visit. Beneath all the partying we did together, we actually went out to skate the streets of Frankfurt, and the boys just ripped them apart. Now, our friends have released their newest full-length video featuring Kai Hillebrand, Timo Meiselbach, Filip Labovic and Deo Katunga among many others – including our own team rider Tim Thomas, who’s currently in Spain on an escape trip from winter. The video, aptly named “Autobahn”, follows the Europe Co. guys around their natural habitat of North-Rhine Westphalia, where they’re hitting up spots in Dortmund, Essen, Duisburg and Oberhausen. We realize that, given the current weather, it’s kind of mean to show you a video that makes your feet itch, but we don’t want to deprive you of some of the best German skateboarding there is at the moment. So enjoy!" -Bonkers Shop
Autobahn Pre Heat Mix: www.soundcloud.com/herr-gusta-sson/autobahn-pre-heat-mix