Friends With Benefits

Friends With Benefits cover art


Justice - Genesis
Ryan Sublette #1: 
Heartsrevolution - Wolves + Libertines Demo
Ryan Sublette #2: 
Heartsrevolution - Switchblade
Tyler Franz: 
El Guincho - Palmitos Park
Spin The Bottle: 
White Flight - Solarsphere
John Rob Moore: 
White Flight - Deathhands
Stephen Ostrowski & Preston Harper: 
The Octopus Project - Wet Gold
Jeff Pulliam: 
Lucky Dragons - Mercy
Justin Modica: 
Health - Die Slow
Jonathan Pierce: 
The Ruby Suns - Kenya Dig It
Outro #1: 
Justice - Tthhee Ppaarrttyy
Outro #2: 
Lightning Love - Friends
Blonde Redhead - Oh James
Another Trailer: 
Justice - Genesis