"...Parisian edit by Rémi Chautant filmed throughout the tumultuous ride that all of twenty twenty-one really was, and a fantastic opportunity to catch up on the talents of some otherwise rarely mediatized locals who, in fact, do decipher, reinterpret and reinvent their turf really well - oscillating in between some spots that hardly earn such a designation and yet still work, and strong takes on some of the more renowned plazas. Everyone really is just naturally displaying their freedom in the midst of a certain ambient insanity, by the means of some improbable slappies, creativity paired up with good taste, backside kickflip landings that send dead leaves flying and even a considerable amount of "hammers" as Babylon would have it, taken as far as some of the most classic skate destinations within and around the French capital." -Live Skateboard Media. Additional filming by Vincent Duverger and Mati Bouhassira. Color Grade: Vinh Long Tran.