Salon Des Refusés

Salon Des Refusés cover art
The Salon des Refusés, French for exhibition of rejects was generally an exhibition of works rejected by the jury of the official Paris Salon. Like these art world outcasts, as skateboarders we’re just a bunch of rejects. An independent full-length skate video by Leo Banuelos featuring Nick Zizzo, Mike Magalhaes, Shane Carter, Ian Weisbecker, Joshua Baker, Leo Moreno, Derick Glancy, Cody Wilber, Josh Miller, and more.


Intro/Leo Banuelos/Nick Zizzo: 
Blood Orange - Chosen
Mike Mag: 
El Michels Affair - Duel of the Iron Mics
Shane Carter #1: 
RZA - Ode to Oren Ishii
Shane Carter #2: 
Danny Brown - Nosebleeds
Ian Weisbecker: 
The Alan Parsons Project - The Fall of the House of Usher: Pavane (1976 Instrumental)
Joshua Baker/Leo Moreno: 
Jessica Lea Mayfield - Oblivious
Wang Chung - Dance Hall Days (AO Remix)
Derick Glancy: 
Lee Fields & The Expressions - Honey Dove (OG Version)
Cody Wilber: 
Wendy Rene - Give You What I Got
Josh Miller: 
Fleetwood Mac - Albatross
Flaming Lips - Gates of Steels