Sheep - Life of Leisure

Sheep - Life of Leisure cover art


Black Grape - In the name of the father
Old Man's Skit: 
Esquivel - Sentimental journey
Frank Hirata: 
Pink Floyd - Point Me At The Sky
Rick McCrank: 
Gabor Szabo - The beat goes on
Matt Field: 
? - Mat's Dub
Charlie Wilkins: 
Lou Donaldson - Brother soul
Brian Anderson: 
Gabor Szabo - Bacchanal
Mike Manzoori: 
Lou Reed - Kicks
Sergei Trudnowski: 
The Pioneers - Wolf in sheep's clothing
Ed Templeton: 
Sonic Youth - Waist
Credits #1: 
The Red NorvoTrio - Move
Credits #2: 
Tricky - Aftermath