From Rick Ibaseta's Chrome Ball Interview (See Link Above):
CB: I always loved Cream. Sick team, ill ads, loved the whole vibe. Way ahead of its time. Did you always want your own company? And what ultimately ended up happening to it? All those Experience-affiliated companies were looking real promising there for a minute.
RI: Who wouldn't want their own company? I launched Cream sometime after Stereo. Unfortunately, I wasn't ready. I didn't trust my partner and I always had my guard up. Plus, there were things that just weren’t adding up, like I'd show up at a spot and kids would be selling Cream shit. So I ended it.
Cream was family and Peter Huynh had it locked with the art direction. It was an excellent way for him to showcase his skate vision. It was also the time I think I had the most control over my board, I just really wasn't into it. Unfortunately, it was short-lived. It lasted a little over two years. No regrets though cause we definitely sparked something. Actually, we probably sparked too much.