Punk Rock Summer Camp-Warped Tour- 1998
Wasted- Beer City- 1998
Fruit of the Vine- 1999
Skateparks of Oregon- 2000
Ecuador- 2001
Tanked- Beer City- 2001
Tobaccoland- 2001
Northwest- 2003
Tent City- 2003
Vote for Change-Pearl Jam- 2004
Random Shorts- 2005
9 lives- Tylenol- 2005
Route 66- 2006
Round Trip Bottle- Red Stripe- 2006
San Pedro DIY. – 2007
Paranoid Park- Gus Van Sant- 2009
Against Me! Live at Six Stair 2008
Deathbowl to Downtown- 2009
Bloodshed- 2009
Fuel TV Pool School- 2010
Straight Traipsin’- Anti Hero- 2009
Don’t Traipse on me- Anti Hero- 2010
Traipse Southwest- Anti Hero- 2011
Frankly Speaking- Anti Hero- 2012
Shorebreak Baby- Anti Hero- 2012
Pearl Jam 20- Cameron Crowe- 2011
Shootin’ The Shit with Neckface- 2010
Time and Space- Tait Roelof- 2010
Time and Space- Dennis McNett- 2010
Bones Brigade Trivia Show- 2012
Love Letters to Skateboarding- 2011-present
Primitive Blast- the Shrine- 2013
Deep River- the Shrine- 2012
Freak Fighter- the Shrine- 2013
Worship- the Shrine- 2014
Tripping Corpse- the Shrine- 2014
Jessup Home Movies- 2015
Anti Hero in Israel- 2015
Warm Blood- in production