Primitive Skate - WILDFIRE

Primitive Skate - WILDFIRE cover art
We are proud to present our newest film, WILDFIRE. Starring Kyonosuke Yamashita, Aimu Yamazuki, and Trent McClung. Also featuring Giovanni Vianna, Tre Williams, Paul Rodriguez, Miyu Ito, Tiago Lemos, Filipe Mota, Jonny Hernandez, Carlos Ribeiro, Miles Silvas, and Dylan Jaeb. Video by Eric Iwakura. Directed by Alan Hannon and Eric Iwakura. Edited by Alan Hannon. Still photography by Bailey Schreiner.


1. Aimu Yamazuki: 
Pusha T - Let The Smokers Shine The Coupes
2. Giovanni Vianna, Tre Williams, Paul Rodriguez ("P-Rod"): 
Fever Ray - If I Had a Heart (F**k Buttons Remix)
3. Miyu Ito: 
Tal Barr - If I Had a Heart
4. Trent McClung: 
The Ponderosa Twins Plus One - Bound
5. Tiago Lemos, Filipe Mota, Jonny Hernandez, Carlos Ribeiro, Miles Silvas 1: 
Conductor Williams - God & Art
6. Tiago Lemos, Filipe Mota, Jonny Hernandez, Carlos Ribeiro, Miles Silvas 2: 
BigXthaPlug - Take Care
7. Kyonosuke Yamashita 1: 
LCD Soundsystem - Home
8. Kyonosuke Yamashita 2, Credits: 
George Clanton - Dumb