H-Street was founded circa 1986, by professional skateboarder Tony Magnusson and bro Mike Ternasky. The two teamed up with pro skateboarder Dave Andrecht to form the first skateboard company that was run by skateboarders. T-Mags basic idea was that skateboard companies should be run by skateboarders and not guys in suits that didn't ride, and that skateboarding should be a source of free and individual expression. The fact most towns in America have an actual H-Street somewhere, made it into an every town idea. H-Street is inclusive, not exclusive. Inspired by Powell’s success in making skateboard videos, but limited to the budget of a real skateboarder, T-Mag and Mike theorized that a skate video could be made with a cheap VHS camera and edited at their pad on a VCR. Since this was the basic home video equipment available early in the 80′s the two ventured into uncharted waters. Knowing that it was more important to have skateboarders that demonstrated innovation and style for the sport than have a big budget, they invested in skaters that would become some of the world's best, Danny Way, Matt Hensley, Mike Carrol, The Godoy brothers, Sal Barbier and Erick Koston just to name a few. The team started with John Schultes from Del Mar and John Sonner from Vista. Soon Ron Allen was added, who was originally a friend of Mike's from Nor Cal. One summer later, the video Shackle Me Not was born and would change the way that skateboard videos were made from that point on. A year later, Louisiana swamp rat Sal Barbier was added to the team, along with Alphonzo Rawls and several other top skaters of that time, and Hokus Pokus was made. Together Hokus Pokus and Shackle Me Not would take the skateboard world by storm; the videos became some of the most watched skate videos of all time. H-Street would eventually produce five major videos, with such notable skaters as Eric Koston, Mike Carrol, Jason Rogers, Colby Carter, Chad Vogt, and many other top pros of that era. H-Street was started by Tony Magnusson and Mike Ternasky after leaving Magnusson Designs in 1988. H-Street quickly became one of skateboarding's largest and most popular brands through it's groundbreaking videos and riders. H-Street also created a sister brand in Life Skateboards around 1990 once the H-Street team began to grow out of control. In 1991 however, Mike Ternasky left H-Street to start Plan B through World Industries and took several riders with him. Then in 1993, Tony Magnusson also left H-Street behind after it's financial backer demanded an unreasonable sum, at which point Tony re-branded and re-launched the company as Evol Skateboards.
documentary (152 min)
Added: Unknown
Added: Thursday, November 09, 2023