The Filmbot Files

The Filmbot Files cover art


The Filmbot Files begins with Marty Murawski’s solid part. The Hellrose crew, including Lizard King, adds their entertaining footage, and the Darkstar riders—Chris Dobstaff, Paul Paul Machnau, and Gailea Momolu—deliver strong tricks, with Dobstaff's back heel on a triple set standing out. Robert Lim, known for his Damn Am contests, lands a massive switch flip down a six-set. Jason Wakuzawa closes the video with remarkable tricks and a Rolling Stones song. The video extras offer global footage from Spain, France, Korea, Sweden, and Denmark.


Three Dog Night - One
Marty Murawski: 
America - A Horse With No Name
Arizona File: 
Electric Light Orchestra - Twilight
Hellrose Apt. #1: 
Guns N' Roses - Night Train
Hellrose Apt. #2: 
Busta Rhymes - Break Ya Neck
Derek Fukuhara #1: 
X-Ecutioners - Live From the PJs
Derek Fukuhara #2: 
The Beatles - I'm So Tired
Tech File: 
The Postal Service - Such Great Heights
Daryl Angel & Ryan Lay: 
The Notwist - One With The Freaks
Darkstar File: 
Kiss - Black Diamond
Ghetto Hesh File: 
DJ Kayslay / Three 6 Mafia - Who Gives A Fuck Where You From
Robert Lim: 
Bangles - Hazy Shades Of Winter
Undun File: 
The Guess Who - Undun
Jason Wakuzawa: 
The Rolling Stones - You Can't Get Always What You Want
Credits #1: 
Pavement - Spit On A Stranger
Credits #2: 
Eddie Grant - Electric Avenue
Bonus - Spain/France: 
Belle & Sebastian - Sleep The Clock Around
Bonus - Korea #1: 
John Kaizan Neptune & TakeDake - Korea Idea
Bonus - Korea #2: 
Intro feat. Ray - 3roi (a korean group)
Bonus - Sweden/Denmark: 
Irving - The Curious Things About Leather
Camp Lo - Luchini