chocolate skateboards


Shredz! Shop History Of Chocolate Skateboards: Before talking about Chocolate we first have to talk about Girl Skateboards. If you read this you'll get a better overview of the industry at the time. Girl skateboards was started by Rick Howard, Mike Carroll, Spike Jonze & Megan Baltimore. Soon after starting Girl, the team left on their first tour. When everyone met in a parking lot and packed into the tour van, they realized they didn't have enough room for everyone. They drove off while Chico Brenes sat there in the parking lot with his bags packed. They decided to start Chocolate Skateboards in April of 1994. They added all their friends that didn’t fit on the crowded Girl Skateboards team. Chocolate was originally supposed to be called ‘Sister’, but apparently Steve Rocco got wind of this name and trademarked it before they could. So last minute they had to change the name of the brand, Megan came up with the name Chocolate off the top of her head, with no reasoning or story behind it, she just liked the name.